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  • 口罩的標準是?
    我們的常規口罩達到 ASTM F2100-19 Level III 標準: 細菌過濾效率測試 BFE ≥99% 微粒過濾效率測試 PFE ≥99% 壓力差測試 ≤4.0 mmH₂O/cm² 通過合成血液滲透阻力測試(160mmHg) 可燃性測試 Class 1 以下為 ASTM F2100-19 Level III 標準要求: 細菌過濾效率測試 BFE ≥98% 微粒過濾效率測試 PFE ≥98% 壓力差測試 ≤6.0 mmH₂O/cm² 通過合成血液滲透阻力測試(160mmHg) 可燃性測試 Class 1 相關報告已經張貼在本網頁的測試/證書。 常規口罩指藍色/白色/灰色/黑色的平面口罩,其他款式請參閱商品簡介。
  • 口罩尺寸是?
    Classic or Prime Mask Adult/Lady 175mm x 95mm (±5mm) Adult/Lady 165mm x 95mm (±5mm) Child/Kid 145mm x 95mm (±5mm) Child/Kid 125mm x 85mm (±5mm) 3D Pro Mask Adult Medium 206mm x 80mm (±5mm) Adult Large 212mm x 80mm (±5mm)
  • What is the recommended shelf life for masks?
    Our recommended shelf life is two years when properly stored.
  • I still have other questions, how can I check?
    If you still have other questions after reading the FAQ page of this website, please contact us by selecting the following methods according to the type of inquiry: General enquiries: Facebook Inbox / Whatsapp 26481888/ Group/Healthcare/School/Social Welfare Organization/Residential/Bulk Order Enquiry: Whatsapp 26481888 Order inquiry: (852) 26481888 *Due to the large number of inquiries, the response speed will be affected. Please be patient. We will reply one by one in the order in which your last message was sent. To ensure timely responses to your inquiries, please refrain from sending repeated messages at different times.
  • where to buy?
    We currently accept web ordering, customers can purchase products at the Online Store and choose express delivery Goods or self-collection in Tuen Mun Mun City. Customers can also purchase in person at Tuen Mun Mun City during our business hours, or at the Sham Shui Po West Kowloon Centre distributor. Some styles are also available at HKTVMall. Address of Tuen Mun Mun Town: Room 4, 7/F, Block E, Tuen Mun Industrial Centre, 2 San Ping Street, Tuen Mun Sham Shui Po distributor address: "I Like Eat", 2/F, West Kowloon Centre, Sham Shui Po
  • 可否在網上訂購後親臨門市自取?
    您可以在網上商店訂購口罩,並選擇「屯門門市自取」。 您亦可直接親臨門市選購,無需進行預約。 目前我們暫未開放其他銷售點自取網上訂單。
  • 可否在網上訂購後修改訂單資料或加單?
    我們可安排修改未出貨訂單的資料。如有需要,請盡快透過WhatsApp 26481888或訂單通訊與我們聯絡。 請注意,加單或修改訂單資料均有可能影響出貨時效。 如提交訂單時資料不完整,如地址缺漏、電話號碼缺少數字等,我們發現後亦會透過您於訂單提供的聯絡方式與您聯絡。惟當訂單較多時,我們未必能夠及時發現資料不完整的訂單,因此我們建議您仔細核對訂單資料,以免出現意外。
  • What payment methods are accepted?
    Online order: We accept payment by credit card, Payme, FPS, Google Pay, Apple Pay, bank transfer/credit, Octopus. Purchase in Tuen Mun Mun City: We accept payment by cash, Payme, FPS and Octopus.
  • Can multiple orders be combined for delivery?
    We can arrange combined delivery of unshipped orders under the same member account (delivery status is "In Stock"), please contact us as soon as possible if necessary.
  • Why didn't I receive a confirmation email?
    There are several possibilities for not receiving the order confirmation email: 1. The email has been blocked, please check your junk mailbox and all other mailboxes. 2. The email address was entered incorrectly. If you need to modify the order information, please Whatsapp 2648 1888 to contact us.
  • 如何填寫訂單地址?
    如須送貨上門,請填寫完整工商/住宅區地址。如有辦公時間,請在地址欄註明。 如須送貨至智能櫃/順豐站/便利店/自取點,請選擇相應送貨方式並選取相應服務點地址。 如選擇平郵派送(適用於指定商品),請填寫收件信箱的地址。
  • 我買多了/不需要了,能否取消訂單?
  • I still have other questions, how can I check?
    If you still have other questions after reading the FAQ page of this website, please contact us by selecting the following methods according to the type of inquiry: General enquiries: Facebook Inbox / Whatsapp 26481888/ Group/Healthcare/School/Social Welfare Organization/Residential/Bulk Order Enquiry: Whatsapp 26481888 Order inquiry: (852) 26481318 *Due to the large number of inquiries, the response speed will be affected. Please be patient. We will reply one by one in the order in which your last message was sent. To ensure timely responses to your inquiries, please refrain from sending repeated messages at different times.
  • 有什麼送貨方法?
    您可按照實際情況選擇適合自己的物流服務,目前的速運公司可送至大部分工商/住宅地區住址,送貨至偏遠地區\限制區域或需上樓梯的地點或須加收附加費。您亦可選擇到Shiplus Express或順豐速運的合作自取點取件。 因應疫情無法派遞的地址請參考以下内容: 1. 斑馬到家:官方網站 / 斑馬到家客戶服務電話 2121 2211。 2. 順豐速遞:請參考順豐速遞官方網站的新聞公告。 3. Shiplus Express:可選取速運公司合作的自取點作為收件地址。詳情請參閱 Shiplus Express 網站。
  • When will it be shipped after purchase?
    Under normal circumstances, we will arrange delivery within three working days after the order is confirmed for payment (order payment status "paid"). If there are many special events/orders, the delivery time may be delayed due to the processing time, please understand.
  • 可否送順豐站/智能櫃/便利店?
    如須送貨至智能櫃/順豐站/便利店,請於購物車頁面中選取相應送貨方式並選取相應服務點地址。 *如訂單欲送至便利店,請確保訂購的口罩總數不超過8盒,否則順豐可能無法派件(會直接改派至鄰近的順豐服務站或順便智能櫃)*
  • 運費如何計算?
    選用不同送貨方式的運費有所不同,實際運費收費會在結賬頁面中顯示 或 在您取件時直接向您收取。 如屬於會員免運費訂單,免運費優惠將在購物車頁面自動套用。
  • Can the package shipping details be tracked after shipment?
    Shiplus Express: When the goods arrive at the self-pickup point, you will receive a pick-up notification message via Whatsapp or email. SF Express/Zebra Home: After the order is shipped, you can check the waybill number on the order page or order email. You can use this waybill number to check the shipping status of the waybill on the express company website. *If you have not received the item within a week after delivery, please contact our staff on WhatsApp 2648 1888. *
  • 我在運輸上有特殊需要/要求(如需要指定送貨日期/時間),可以怎麼辦?
    如您對商品運輸上有特殊要求,請在結賬頁面中的備註欄填寫閣下的要求,我們會盡量滿足您合理的要求。 您亦可在派送時與聯絡您的派送員協調送貨日期、時間等。
  • 我在收到包裹時發現商品有損毀、漏貨等情況,可以怎麼辦?
    若您在簽收時,發現包裹嚴重損毀、貨品數量不正確等,請拍下相關包裹的照片,並直接拒收。 在簽收時,請仔細檢查包裹中商品的內容和數量,確保與您訂購的商品一致。 如不幸出現缺漏、損毀的情況,請 WhatsApp 26481888 與我們的職員聯絡。請注意,您需保留並提供相關證明(包括但不限於包裹外箱照片、實際收到的所有商品的照片等),並在收件後3天內與我們聯絡,否則我們將無法處理,敬請諒解
  • 可購買口罩並寄到外國嗎?
    如有需要購買口罩並寄往外國,請透過WhatsApp 26481888 聯絡我們,提供目的地國家、目的地郵區編號(Zip Code)、購買款式及數量等資料。我們會盡快提供相關資料及運費報價。
  • I still have other questions, how can I check?
    If you still have other questions after reading the FAQ page of this website, please contact us by selecting the following methods according to the type of inquiry: General enquiries: Facebook Inbox / Whatsapp 26481888 / Group/Healthcare/School/Social Welfare Organization/Residential/Bulk Order Enquiry: Whatsapp 26481888 Order inquiry: (852) 26481888 *When the number of inquiries is large, the response speed may be affected, please be patient. We will reply one by one in the order in which your last message was sent. To ensure timely responses to your inquiries, please refrain from sending repeated messages at different times.
  • Do I need to provide any proof for self-collection?
    Select Tuen Mun Mun City for self-pickup: order number and pickup phone number are required for pickup. Choose Shiplus Express self-pickup point: pick up the goods must show the pickup text message or WhatsApp message, and provide the pickup phone number.
  • When can I pick up my order?
    When you receive an email with an order status of "Arrived" or receive a WhatsApp/SMS notification of the pickup from the pickup point, you can go to the pickup point of your choice for pickup.
  • Is there a store/pick-up point elsewhere?
    In addition to the Tuen Mun Industrial Centre store service, you can also visit the Sham Shui Po distributor for purchase. You can also choose "Shiplus Express" to ship orders to their self-pickup points throughout Hong Kong. Please refer to the Shiplus Express Self-Pickup Address List page for self-pickup locations and details.
  • I still have other questions, how can I check?
    If you still have other questions after reading the FAQ page of this website, please contact us by selecting the following methods according to the type of inquiry: General enquiries: Facebook Inbox / Whatsapp 26481888 / Group/Healthcare/School/Social Welfare Organization/Residential/Bulk Order Enquiry: Whatsapp 26481888 Order inquiry: (852) 26481888 *Due to the large number of inquiries, the response speed will be affected. Please be patient. We will reply one by one in the order in which your last message was sent. To ensure timely responses to your inquiries, please refrain from sending repeated messages at different times.
  • Do you accept bulk orders from healthcare/schools/homes/private institutions?
    If you wish to make a reservation, please Whatsapp 26481888 or email us.
  • Can I order a mask to meet my needs?
    We provide mask OEM service, which can meet various customized needs such as customized mask styles, logo embossing, packaging, etc. For details, please contact us on WhatsApp 26481888.
  • I still have other questions, where can I find help?
    If you still have other questions after reading the FAQ page of this website, please contact us by selecting the following methods according to the type of inquiry: General enquiries: Facebook Inbox / Whatsapp 26481888 / Group/Healthcare/School/Social Welfare Organization/Residential/Bulk Order Enquiry: Whatsapp 26481888 Order inquiry: (852) 26481888 *Due to the large number of inquiries, the response speed will be affected. Please be patient. We will reply one by one in the order in which your last message was sent. To ensure timely responses to your inquiries, please refrain from sending repeated messages at different times.

Contact Us

Room 4, 7/F, Block E, Tuen Mun Industrial Centre, 2 San Ping Circuit, Tuen Mun, N.T., HK

Enquiry / Whatsapp: (852) 2648 1888

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